Electronics 101


Class Outline…

Day 1: Monday - Basic Components & Circuits
Introduces electricity with the components and circuit types.
By building circuits using Snap Circuits®, students begin to understand the electrical world.

Day 2: Tuesday - Motors & Electricity
Students learn how electricity and magnetism are used in motors and generators.
We learn about the electricity that runs in their homes and about lighting.

Day 3: Wednesday - Resistance
Students learn how resistors are used to limit and control the flow of electricity.
The also learn the basic rules for understanding circuits.

Day 4: Thursday - Capacitors
Students learn how electricity makes sound.
They also learn about the Integrated Circuit modules and what’s inside of them.

Day 5: Friday - Advanced Projects, Troubleshooting and Wrap Up
Students learn how to troubleshoot electrical or circuit issues.
Students will select an advance project to try for themselves.

Click on a link below for more information…

Cost & Location…
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